  • International organization
  • Quality service
  • Full corporate service
  • Experienced lawyers

Alfaro Abogados
  • "Knowledge, experience and expediency: The basis for a cost efficient and solid legal advice in any business transaction in today's global economy"
  • "Alfaro-Abogados is a full corporate, and finance law firm that provides services in a variety of fields"
  • "The globalization of the world economy demands an efficient network of advisors qualified to provide legal advice to the client on a regional and immediate basis"
  • "In today's business world, professional legal expertise must be complemented with the knowledge of the most recent business and economic developments"
  • "Alfaro-Abogados provides its clients expedient and solid professional advice with the cross-cultural and business experience required for international business transactions"

Participation in Business, legal Institutions and Conference
Law firm

Alfaro-Abogados members participate or have held distinguished and influential positions in different business and legal organizations and associations in Argentina and the United States, adding to their professional legal expertise the knowledge of the most recent business and legal developments.

  1. Euro money Conference
  2. Institute for international research
  3. Carnegie council of Ethics and International Affairs
  4. Fordham University School of Law
  5. The Mining Journal Conference
  6. American Conference Institute
  7. Forbes Conference on Latin America
  8. United States Department Commerce
  9. Institute of the Americas and Colorado School of Mines.
  10. World research Group
  11. American Bar Association
  12. New York Law School
  13. Association of the bar of the City of New York
  14. International Bar Association
  15. New York State Bar association
  16. The Pan-American Society of California
  17. Strategic Research Institute
  18. Institute of Latin American Studies-Columbia University
  19. Council of the Americas
  20. Universidad de Buenos Aires Law school
  21. Universidad Austral Law School
  22. British-Argentine Chamber of Commerce (London)
  23. Institute for the International and Comparative Law
  24. Universidad de San Andres.


Alfaro Abogados members publish articles and legal reference in local and international publications of wide circulation on a variety of topics of their expertise:

  1. The Journal of International Taxation, a publication of Warren Gorham & Lamont (Correspondents for Argentina)
  2. World Securities Law Report, a BNA publication (Member Advisory Board)
  3. University Press of America
  4. The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel Newspaper (New York)
  5. La Ley (Argentina)
  6. El Cronista Commercial (Argentina)
  7. El Derecho (Argentina)
  8. Derecho y Empresa Published by Universidad Austral (Argentina)
  9. Latin Counsel
  10. Latin Lawyer
  11. Buenos Aires Herald
  12. Apertura
  13. International Bar Association
  14. Lexis Nexis Argentina
  15. New York State Bar Association
  16. World Trade Executive Inc. Publications (Practical Latin American Tax Strategies, Latin American Energy report, Latin American law and business report)
  17. Kluwer Law International
  18. IBLS (International Business Law Services)


Alfaro Abogados Members have actively participated in Seminars and Conferences in the United states, Europe and Argentina on a variety of legal issues:

  • 6th BACC Argentina UK business networking event
    A day for exploring strategic business opportunities, meeting key contacts, updating information and shaping deals between Argentina and the UK
  • 60th Oilbarrel Conference
    Share oil and gas development in Argentina could become one of the best investment opportunity of this decade. An economic and legal risk analysis
  • Latin America: The fallout of the financial crisis and the near term business outlook
  • 2013 Symposium on Global Markets organized by the Institute of Comparative Law
  • Presentation of the expropriation of the shares of Repsol in YPF at the Annual Meeting of the American Foreign Law Association
    The new direction of YPF will open opportunities for foreign companies to do business in Argentina in association with YPF (concessions, joint ventures or alliances) in traditional oil reserves or in shale reserves. Argentina has the third largest reserve of shale oil and gas in the world
  • Legal framework and investment opportunities in Argentina
    Special Talk for BACC Members - 14 April 2010
  • III BACC Argentina UK Business - Networking Day - 2nd November 2011
    Keynote Speaker: Carlos Alfaro - Partner | ALFARO ABOGADOS
  • Argentina YPF Expropriation: An Aggressive Move Presented by: Carlos E. Alfaro - May 16th Annual Meeting & Luncheon
    Carlos Alfaro - Partner | ALFARO ABOGADOSCarlos E. Alfaro, partner of ALFARO-ABOGADOS, an international corporate lawyer from Argentina has been involved with the oil and gas industry for more than thirty years. He has advised major energy companies along his career and lately, as local lawyer for China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC), he has participated in the largest M&A transaction of the year 2011 in Argentina by acquiring the assets of Occidental Petroleum (OXY) for $2.5 billion dollars. He is a Member of the Petroleum Club of Argentina. Mr. Alfaro is also a Director and long standing member of AFLA.
Alfaro Abogados