  • International organization
  • Quality service
  • Full corporate service
  • Experienced lawyers

Alfaro Abogados
  • "Knowledge, experience and expediency: The basis for a cost efficient and solid legal advice in any business transaction in today's global economy"
  • "Alfaro-Abogados is a full corporate, and finance law firm that provides services in a variety of fields"
  • "The globalization of the world economy demands an efficient network of advisors qualified to provide legal advice to the client on a regional and immediate basis"
  • "In today's business world, professional legal expertise must be complemented with the knowledge of the most recent business and economic developments"
  • "Alfaro-Abogados provides its clients expedient and solid professional advice with the cross-cultural and business experience required for international business transactions"
line law firm

Liliana Arauz - International Trade and Trade Finance

Dra. Arauz brings to the firm her experience in International Trade, Trade Finance, Transactional Work and Foreign Investments.

Prior to working for the Firm she has been:

-      Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Argentina, Washington DC 1981-1984;

-      Trade Commissioner of Argentina in New York with supervision of East Coast and Southern United States Region, 1984-1987;

-      Advisor on U.S. Trade Issues to the Union Industrial Argentina, 1988-1989

-      Vice President and Trade Advisor to Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires- New York Agency, 1988-2002.


Dra. Arauz holds an LL.B Cum Laude from the Catholic University of Argentina, School of Law, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Postgraduate courses on Foreign Trade and International Trade Negotiations at the German Foundation for International Development

Postgraduate courses on Foreign Trade and International Trade Negotiations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation of Brazil


Speaker and Panelist in the following programs:

-      Program for Industrial Investment Promotion (United States Agency for International Development)

-      At the United Nations Development Organization

-      Debt Crisis and its Impact on Trade at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

-      The Inter-American Defense Board

-      At the United States Information Agency Programs.


Spanish and English. 

Law firm
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