  • International organization
  • Quality service
  • Full corporate service
  • Experienced lawyers

Alfaro Abogados
  • "Knowledge, experience and expediency: The basis for a cost efficient and solid legal advice in any business transaction in today's global economy"
  • "Alfaro-Abogados is a full corporate, and finance law firm that provides services in a variety of fields"
  • "The globalization of the world economy demands an efficient network of advisors qualified to provide legal advice to the client on a regional and immediate basis"
  • "In today's business world, professional legal expertise must be complemented with the knowledge of the most recent business and economic developments"
  • "Alfaro-Abogados provides its clients expedient and solid professional advice with the cross-cultural and business experience required for international business transactions"
line law firm

Rosa Teresa Noceto - Compliance and Corporate Governance

She is an Expert in Implementation, Control and Accomplishment of Business Conduct and corporate Compliance, Merger & Acquisitions, and Commercial Law.
She has a long standing career as inhouse counsel for major corporations. Worked as in-house counsel for Duranor (Occidental Petroleum), Nestle SA, Syntial Pharmaceuticals, and Monsanto Co. Law Professor of the University of Madrid (1981). Member law department Argentine Industrial Association, the Business Council for Sustainable Development and the American Chamber of Commerce of Argentina.

Education: Catholic University (LL.B., 1972). Admitted 1972, Argentina.

Practice Areas Contracts; Commercial Law; Corporate Compliance; Regulatory Matters; Control and Accomplishment of Business Conduct, Distribution and Representative, Agency, Distributorship, Licensing, and Franchising Agreements, Legal Malpractice.


1961 Perito Mercantil – Instituto Ana Maria Janer

1962 Universidad Nacional de Ciencias Económicas

1972 Egresada de la UCA Derecho

1981 Licenciada en Derecho  Español

Antecedentes ocupacionales

1974/1978 Jefa del Departamento de  Legales, Impuestos y Seguros-  Duranor SAIC compañía  perteneciente a Occidental Petrolium 

197871979 Jefa del Departamento Legal  Comercial en Atanor SAM

1979/1984 Abogado Asociado en Allende &Brea

1984/1993 Jefa del Departamento  de Asuntos Comerciales y Societarios- Nestle Argentina

1993/1997 Directora de Legales Chemotecnica Syntial S.A.

1997/2005 Directora de Legales Monsanto Argentina S.A.


Socia Alfaro Abogados

Miembro de la Unión Industrial

Miembro de la Cámaras Argentino /Brasilera; Argentino/ Británica; AMCHAM Argentina; ;Argentino/Holandesa;  de la Construcción; de Comercio

Directora de Chemotecnica S.A.I.C.


English, Spanish & Italian

Law firm
Politica di confidenzialitá